2022 Predicted E-Commerce Trends


01/ A rise in Social Commerce

Social Commerce is expected to carry on soaring.

(A.k.a. promoting and selling products or services directly on social media.)

02/ Customers prioritising a Brand’s Sustainability Efforts

With the ongoing climate crisis, consumers are continuing to prioritise brands that are environmentally friendly.

Ultimately, customers are holding brands accountable.

03/ Focus is on an Omni-channel Presence

Relying on one channel alone, such as search engines is simply not enough. Nor is simply depending on social media.

You need to use both. Consumers are connecting with brands across a variety of channels these days, don't get left behind.

04/ Brands utilising Product Recommendations

A personalised recommendation goes a long way.

Customers are longing for personalised experiences like this and they help build brand loyalty.


Christine Melton